blog challenge week 9 what I plan for my future

my future  hold alot fun and exciting thing like where I’m going live what schoo lI’im going to

I would like to go to a school evolves electronic because I want to be an mlg gamer like many youtubers I hope that I get pretty popular with videos and be able to a Chevy camaro and own a pretty large house and my kids will be very successfully in life I want to able to still be friends with the people I am with now and still have a good bond with all my family I want as good a YouTube as thesyndicateproject and TBNRfrags, my favourite YouTube and be a inspiration to everyone to follow their I haven’t really thought about my future that’s all I have

One thought on “blog challenge week 9 what I plan for my future

  1. love the car dood. #gamingalldayeveryday i would love to go to school with electronics but u already do.

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